RSL NSW Cardiff sub-Branch

45 Macquarie Road, Cardiff NSW 2285
Telephone: (02) 4953 7770

Office hours: Wednesdays and Saturdays
1000 to 1300 hours


Welfare and Support Services

The RSL NSW Cardiff sub-Branch Welfare Team

Our team of Welfare and Pension Support Officers are trained and authorised to assist the ex-service community members and non-members.

How can they help?

Welfare Officers are trained to assist with a range of services such as …

●  Health Care
●  Community Services available
●  Concessions
●  Respite Care
●  Arrange access to financial advice
●  Assist with bereavement
●  Assist with DVA services
●  Liaise with Pension Officers to prepare claims

How to contact the Welfare Team

The Welfare Team can be contacted by telephone on (02) 4953 7770. Should the office be unattended you can leave a message and they will get back to you as soon as possible. Alternatively, you can contact them by email by clicking HERE.

Pension matters can take a number of hours and it preferable you make an appointment by contacting the sub-Branch office.

The RSL NSW Cardiff sub-Branch Welfare and Support Team is looking for more volunteers and you do not have to be ex-service to help out.

If you have been involved in nursing, community service or Lifeline and could give a couple of hours weekly, we would love to hear from you.

To make an appointment for an interview, please phone the sub-Branch Office on (02) 4953 7770 during office hours which are 1000 to 1300 hours on Wednesdays and Saturdays.

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